Every Sunday during the 10:30am mass, children Kinder through 2nd Grade are invited by the presider to go out and listen to the good news. Volunteer ministers teach the lesson of Sunday's readings through activities, songs, or role play. The children return to mass at the Preperation of Gifts. If you feel called to be part of the team that ministers to the kids of our parish (and their parents!) please contact the church office.
Young men and women who have recieved First Communion may be called to serve the altar. Their roles are both of assistance and leadership. The altar server's primary role is to assist the priest in the celebration of the Mass. He or she must give the Mass and the priest their undivided attention. The leadership role of the altar server is a leader of prayer in the Mass. The altar server must set a prayerful example for the congregation by their active participation in the mass. New servers are trained to serve in the candle position and can train for the cross position one year later. Lead, or mentor, servers are those in high school who have served at least two years and are trained in all positions. They must assist the training with new altar servers. Training for new altar servers takes place annually in August and September. The new altar server must attend two 3-hour sessions in order to be fully trained. Commissioning of the new servers happens in the late fall. Please contact the office for more information.
"Each one of you has recieved a special grace, so like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourself at the service of others." 1 Peter 4:10
The ultimate goal of this Ministry is to render assistance at all times during services. The many responsibilities include: Greeting and escorting parishioners and visitors of the congregation to their place of worship. Helping with the offertory collection, administering first-aid when emergencies arise, distributing bulletins after Mass, and checking the overall tidiness of the church before the next service begings.
If you have any questions or feel called to assist in this ministry, please contact Patti Walters at nanabananapw@yahoo.com
Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the church community at the Sunday Masses. Lectors are provided an annual book of the Sunday readings, and they are expected to come to Mass with the reading well practiced. Interested candidates must be practicnig Catholics. Usually two lectors serve at each Mass. If you are interested in ministering as a lector, please contact the Parish Office
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, commonly referred to as Eucharistic Ministers, assist with the distribution of Communion at Mass and provide Communion to the sick and homebound. Extraordinary Ministers should always defer service when Ordinary Ministers, Priests, and Deacons are present. Serving the Eucharist is a privilege to be approached with a humble spirit of service. Interested candidates must be practicing Catholics in full Communion with the Church. They should develop a meaningful prayer life and regularly take advantage of the Sacrements. If you are interested in serving, please contact the Parish Office